5 Zodiacs Using September To Reset Their Lives

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September often feels like a fresh start, thanks to its association with new beginnings and the transition from summer to fall. For many, this month serves as the perfect time to reflect and reset. Some zodiac signs, in particular, feel an urge to realign their goals, make significant life changes, and hit the reset button during this transformative month. Here are five zodiac signs that are using September to reset their lives.


It’s no surprise that Virgo tops the list. With their birthday season falling in September, Virgos naturally use this time to reflect on the past year and set new goals for the future. As the zodiac’s perfectionist, they’re always striving to improve, but September heightens that desire for self-betterment.

Virgos are known for their organization skills, and they take this opportunity to tidy up every aspect of their life—whether it’s their career, personal health, or relationships. This earthy sign is all about getting things in order and starting the next chapter of their life on a fresh, clean slate.


Capricorns, with their driven and ambitious nature, love setting long-term goals. September offers them a natural pause to evaluate their progress. As they transition into the final quarter of the year, Capricorns use this time to refocus on their professional and personal aspirations. It’s a time for them to reassess what’s working, make adjustments, and ensure they’re on the right path to success.

Known for their patience and determination, Capricorns see September as a month to fine-tune their strategy for the rest of the year, ensuring they’re well-prepared for the future.


With Libra season approaching at the end of September, this air sign starts feeling the shift in energy. Libras thrive on balance and harmony, so they use this time to reset and restore peace in their lives. Whether it’s reevaluating relationships, setting boundaries, or finding a better work-life balance, Libras spend September figuring out how to create more equilibrium.

As they prepare for their birthday season, Libras also reflect on personal growth and make any changes necessary to align with their inner values. It’s all about recalibrating their environment to match their need for serenity.


September is a powerful month for Scorpios to hit the reset button, especially as they prepare for their own transformative season in the fall. Known for their introspective nature, Scorpios often spend this month diving deep into their emotions, analyzing where they are in life, and shedding anything that no longer serves them.

Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, Scorpios are no strangers to rebirth. In September, they start making subtle yet profound changes, whether it’s cutting ties with toxic relationships, making a career shift, or focusing on their personal growth. For Scorpios, September is the calm before their storm of transformation.


Taurus, ruled by Venus, often finds comfort in routine, but September shakes things up for this earthy sign. With the summer ending and the fall season approaching, Taurus takes this time to reassess their values and make important lifestyle changes.

While they tend to resist change, the grounding energy of September helps Taurus feel secure enough to step out of their comfort zone and make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s focusing on their finances, health, or relationships, Taurus uses September to hit pause, evaluate, and create a more stable foundation for the months ahead.

These zodiacs view September as the perfect time to reflect, reorganize, and reset. They embrace the energy of the changing season to set themselves up for success in the remainder of the year.


Why do Virgos use September to reset?

September falls during Virgo season, inspiring them to organize their lives and set fresh goals for self-improvement.

How do Capricorns reset in September?

Capricorns use September to reassess their progress and refine their long-term strategies to stay on track for success.

Why is September a good time for Libras to reset?

With Libra season approaching, this month helps them restore balance and align their personal and professional lives.

Do Scorpios make big changes in September?

Yes, Scorpios often use September for deep emotional introspection and subtle transformations before their own season arrives.

How do Tauruses handle change in September?

While resistant to change, Taurus feels grounded in September, making it easier for them to reassess their values and make necessary adjustments.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson, from Florida, holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration from UF and a Master’s in Public Administration from FSU. He's PMP and CPM-certified with strong leadership and writing experience.