Applying for Social Security in 2025 – Three Key Things to Know

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Retirement planning is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make, and Social Security plays a significant role for most people. Even if you have personal savings or retirement accounts, Social Security is a major source of income that helps you maintain your lifestyle in retirement.

If you’re considering applying for Social Security in 2025, addressing a few key factors will help you avoid mistakes that could reduce your benefits or delay your first payment.


One of the first steps before applying for Social Security is to estimate how much you’ll receive. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides an online tool for this. By creating a my Social Security account, you can use a calculator to estimate your benefits. This tool helps project your payments based on the age at which you decide to start collecting, which can be anywhere between age 62 and 70.

The estimate is based on your current earnings and future contributions. If you’re close to retirement, the estimate will be relatively accurate. Understanding this number can help you plan for your financial needs and decide the best time to start receiving payments.


The age at which you apply for Social Security has a direct impact on your benefits. To receive your full Social Security benefits, you must wait until you reach your full retirement age (FRA), which is between 66 and 67 for most workers, depending on your birth year. You can find your specific FRA through your my Social Security account.

Claiming benefits before reaching FRA—starting as early as age 62—will reduce your monthly payments by as much as 30%. However, if you delay claiming until age 70, your monthly benefits will increase by as much as 32%, resulting in significantly larger payments.

While delaying can lead to more money in the long term, the decision depends on your financial needs and health. If you don’t have other income sources or expect a shorter life expectancy, applying early may make more sense.


When should you apply? Timing your Social Security application is crucial because the approval process can take time. The SSA recommends submitting your application four months before you want to start receiving payments to allow time for any processing delays.

If you’re planning to start benefits as soon as you turn 62, be mindful of your birthdate. You’re only eligible for benefits the entire month if your birthday falls on the 1st or 2nd of that month. If your birthday is later in the month, your first payment will be delayed until the next month.

Also, Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, if you turn 62 in mid-March 2025, your first check won’t arrive until May, covering your April benefits. Planning ahead can help prevent income gaps during this transition.


To avoid any processing delays, gather the required documents before applying for Social Security. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Social Security number
  • Original birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship/residency status
  • W-2 or tax return if self-employed for the previous year
  • Military records if you served before 1968
  • Marriage/divorce information if applying for spousal or ex-spouse benefits

If you’re missing any documents, contact the SSA to resolve the issue before applying. Don’t wait until the last minute—document-related delays could postpone your first payment.

SSA Requests

Sometimes, the SSA may request additional information or documents to complete your application. If this happens, it’s important to respond quickly to avoid delays. Any missing information or errors can slow down the approval process, so pay attention to any communication from the SSA and respond promptly.

Once your application is approved, the SSA will start your payments on the scheduled date. Delays due to incomplete applications can affect your financial planning, so it’s crucial to handle requests efficiently.

Planning for Social Security in 2025 requires careful consideration of when to apply, how much you’ll receive, and ensuring your paperwork is in order. Estimating your benefits and deciding on the best time to start will help you maximize your payments and enjoy a smooth transition into retirement. By staying prepared and responding to SSA requests quickly, you can avoid unnecessary delays and secure your financial future.


How do I estimate my Social Security benefits?

Create a my Social Security account and use the online benefits calculator.

What is the full retirement age for Social Security?

It is between 66 and 67, depending on your birth year.

How soon can I apply for Social Security?

You can apply up to four months before the date you want to start receiving payments.

Does Social Security pay immediately when I turn 62?

No, benefits are paid the month after they are due.

What documents do I need to apply for Social Security?

You’ll need your Social Security number, birth certificate, tax forms, and marriage or military records.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson, from Florida, holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration from UF and a Master’s in Public Administration from FSU. He's PMP and CPM-certified with strong leadership and writing experience.