4 Zodiacs Who Always End Up Breaking Their Own Hearts

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Sometimes, despite the best intentions, some zodiac signs seem to have a knack for getting their hearts broken—not by others, but by themselves. Whether it’s because they set unrealistic expectations or fall too hard too fast, these signs often end up in emotional turmoil. Let’s take a look at the four zodiacs who are known for breaking their own hearts.


Cancer is the ultimate nurturer, always ready to give their heart fully in any relationship. However, their deep emotional sensitivity often leads them to expect the same level of care in return, which isn’t always realistic. They have a tendency to romanticize their relationships and invest all of their energy into their partners.

Unfortunately, when things don’t go as planned, Cancer often feels betrayed, even if the other person didn’t intend to hurt them. Their tendency to overthink and hold onto past wounds only adds to the heartache, making them their own worst enemy in love.


Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is a dreamer who often lives in their own idealistic world. They fall for people not as they are, but as they imagine them to be. This sign’s tendency to idealize love can lead them to create unrealistic expectations for their relationships, which almost inevitably leads to disappointment.

When the harsh reality doesn’t match the fantasy they’ve created, Pisces ends up heartbroken—not because the love wasn’t real, but because it wasn’t perfect. They often sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of their partner, which eventually leaves them feeling unappreciated and emotionally drained.


Libra craves harmony and balance in relationships, but their fear of conflict can lead them to avoid addressing issues until it’s too late. This sign tends to over-compromise, often putting their partner’s needs above their own to keep the peace. In doing so, they neglect their own emotional well-being, which eventually causes resentment to build up.

Libras also have a habit of staying in relationships for longer than they should, hoping things will magically improve. By not setting healthy boundaries, they end up breaking their own hearts when they realize they’ve given more than they’ve received.


Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is known for their adventurous and free-spirited nature. However, when it comes to love, this sign often struggles with commitment. Sagittarians tend to chase after the thrill of romance, but when the excitement fades, they can become restless and uncertain.

They often break their own hearts by running away from relationships too soon or getting involved with people who don’t share their same thirst for adventure. Their fear of being tied down often causes them to sabotage perfectly good relationships, leaving them with regrets and a sense of loss when they realize what they’ve let go.

For these four zodiac signs, heartbreak often comes from within. Whether it’s due to over-romanticizing, avoiding confrontation, or running from commitment, they all tend to fall into the same emotional traps. Addressing to balance their emotional needs and setting realistic expectations could save them from their own self-inflicted heartache.


Which zodiac sign falls in love the hardest?

Cancer falls in love the hardest due to their deep emotional nature and need for connection.

Why do Pisces always end up heartbroken?

Pisces tend to idealize their partners and relationships, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t match their expectations.

Do Libras struggle with setting boundaries?

Yes, Libras often avoid conflict and over-compromise, leading to weak boundaries in relationships.

Why do Sagittarians break their own hearts?

Sagittarians tend to sabotage relationships by running from commitment, fearing that settling down will limit their freedom.

Can these zodiacs avoid breaking their own hearts?

Yes, by setting realistic expectations, addressing their needs, and communicating openly, these signs can protect their hearts.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson, from Florida, holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration from UF and a Master’s in Public Administration from FSU. He's PMP and CPM-certified with strong leadership and writing experience.