3 Zodiac Signs Running from Their Problems This October

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October brings a shift in energy as the season changes, but not everyone handles these transitions well. Some zodiac signs might find themselves avoiding their issues instead of facing them head-on during this time. Whether it’s emotional baggage, unresolved conflicts, or mounting responsibilities, certain signs are more likely to run from their problems rather than deal with them. Here are three zodiac signs that may be dodging their troubles this October.


Sagittarius is known for their adventurous and free-spirited nature, but that same thirst for freedom can sometimes lead them to avoid reality. When faced with problems, Sagittarians tend to flee rather than confront them. This October, with the pressures of life piling up, Sagittarius may find themselves seeking distractions rather than solutions.

Whether it’s a spontaneous trip, diving into new hobbies, or even excessive socializing, Sagittarius is likely to dodge anything that feels too restrictive or emotionally heavy. Their desire to avoid feeling trapped may lead them to run from important responsibilities or unresolved emotional issues.


Pisces, ruled by Neptune, often lives in a world of dreams and illusions, which can make it difficult for them to confront their problems directly. This water sign is highly emotional and sensitive, so when faced with challenges, they may retreat into their imagination or turn to escapist behaviors like binge-watching TV shows, over-sleeping, or even engaging in self-destructive habits.

In October, Pisces may feel overwhelmed by their emotional baggage and prefer to avoid confrontation at all costs. Instead of dealing with what’s troubling them, Pisces might swim deeper into their fantasy world, hoping the issues will resolve themselves with time.


Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, often struggles with conflict and decision-making. Known for their indecisiveness, Libra can spend too much time weighing options rather than taking action, leading them to avoid dealing with pressing issues. This October, Libra may find themselves running from problems that disrupt their sense of peace.

Whether it’s avoiding tough conversations, sidestepping work-related challenges, or ignoring personal dilemmas, Libra might choose to focus on maintaining surface-level harmony while sweeping the real problems under the rug. Their fear of confrontation and desire to keep things smooth can prevent them from addressing the root of their issues.

October’s energy might stir up unresolved issues for these signs, but instead of facing their problems head-on, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Libra could find themselves seeking distractions, avoiding decisions, or simply wishing their troubles away. While avoidance might provide temporary relief, these signs may need to confront their issues eventually to find true peace and resolution.


Why does Sagittarius avoid their problems?

Sagittarius avoids problems because they dislike feeling restricted and prefer to seek freedom through distractions like travel or social activities.

How does Pisces run from their issues?

Pisces tends to retreat into their imagination or turn to escapist behaviors like daydreaming or over-indulging in entertainment to avoid facing their problems.

Why does Libra struggle with confrontation?

Libra struggles with confrontation because they value harmony and peace, often choosing to avoid conflict rather than address it directly.

Will Sagittarius eventually confront their problems?

Sagittarius might eventually face their issues, but only after they’ve exhausted all distractions and realized they can’t keep running forever.

What can help Pisces deal with their problems?

Pisces can benefit from grounding practices like meditation or journaling to help them face reality and work through their emotions.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson, from Florida, holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration from UF and a Master’s in Public Administration from FSU. He's PMP and CPM-certified with strong leadership and writing experience.